


Hole 4

Par : 5

Handicap : 6


  • 564 yards from the blue tee markers.
  • 516 yards from the white tee markers.
  • 474 yards from the yellow tee markers.
  • 474 yards from the red tee markers.




  • This is a long and difficult double dogleg left par 5.
  • Raised teeing area provide scenic view and interesting shots over a small patch of tangerine trees with matured longan fruit trees on the left, a group of pomelo and teak trees on the right and series of mounds along the right side of a wide fairway.
  • Tee shots landing too close to the longan trees on the left may not have a clear shot to the second landing area which allows an easy approach shots to the green. At the same time tee shots too far to the right of the first landing area will be left with very long second shots to properly set up for clear and easy approaches to the well guarded and partially hidden green.
  • The best position for a second shot to land is on the right side of the fairway as the green is more visible and the approach shot can easily clear the trees on the left.
  • Long hitters whose tee shots can carry some 260 yards may wish to cut the corner of the first dogleg. A successful attempt will be rewarded with a reachable, though still long, second shot to the green.
  • The rather difficult green is well guarded by two deep sand bunkers, one on the left and on at the front right. The ridge at the middle of the green divides the putting surface into two parts, one sloping to the front and one to the back.
  • Par should be a winning score on this hole.